A man is the master of thought and maker of a character and the maker and shaper of condition, environment and destiny. You know why most people fail? It is not because of lack of education or other qualities related to education, but due to lack of target determination and due to lack of focus from what they want to achieve. You will find many situations in your entire life that lets you down like bankruptcy, divorce, breakup and many such. The terms related to depression cannot directly cause the feeling of any kind until the brain interprets and creates a story about such situations, sadness, frustration, anxiety and depression can only be produced by seeing a situation and by producing an interpretation and believing that interpretation and hence anyone can only be overwhelmed by those kind of thoughts or something, but never the thing itself.
Usually what we fear most doing is what we most need to do. It is fear that comes out of nowhere prevents from doing what we have to do. So, what you have to do in these situations? Accept the fact and admit them. I repeat something that you might consider it tattooing it on your forehead. What we fear most from doing is what we most need to do. We see out plans changing due to the circumstances, and you might feel to give up on your dream, but don’t. You need to face more challenges than what you might think are big now. Here is the biggest challenge in your life because your should start a new life to motivate yourself.
Pic Credit: Housing.com
You can always have more than what you got because you can become more than you are. But this comes with a change. Unless you change how you are, you can’t be what you want to become. Because success is something what you attract, but not something what you pursue. It need a good place stay and a place where it feels deserving. So, instead of going after success, start working on your personal development. The process of training our self or the process of conditioning our selves is actually incredible.
If you are trying to change the whole thing, you got to give up this idea of ‘trying something’ and work fully fledged on becoming master on it. Like I said in my previous posts, everyone is talented, but only successful people are skilled and that skill comes after a lot of sacrifices and a lot of struggles. Skill is what makes you a master anything that you want to pursue. Most people don’t fight because they don’t want to be knocked down and don’t want to get down to their knees, but believe my friend, you can’t be successful without getting down and you will go to more heights than what you have been during your struggling days. Stop playing safe games and get harder. Good luck!